Guy on the road

When I finished my military service at 22, I found myself for the first time outside my country.

I traveled to South America, and after this trip, I knew that I wanted to live my life a little differently. Over the years, I managed to study for a degree for three years, and in between, I continued to travel the world, and I knew that was what I wanted to do.

In this blog, I share the knowledge I have gained over the years in my journey and all the beautiful places I have been to.

my travel philosophy

 Travel slow
– Travel off the beaten
 Sleep in the wild nature
– Hike whenever you can
– Spend some time at beautiful beach
– Do not be afraid to travel alone
– Stop doing what others do, do only what is right for you

Get in touch

If you would like to join me on my journey, you can contact me.
I would love for you to be a part of the adventure!